When we got to the end, we reviewed in many ways. One quick way is to just lay it all out! Put all the 2D maps and 3D models and explanations and experiments in one big floor display. It gives you a really good snapshot of beginnings, middles and endings.
The respiratory system made a poster of information and resources.
Cleazza adds her piece to the "Felt Man".
Here's the heart and where it goes. But wait...it that a human heart?
Keaton is confident that he knows what to do.
Mr Lindsay was our resident expert when it came to cutting up organs.
The muscular system did a great job with their body map.
Oh what is this? How does a brain feel? There are surprises inside because it is not quite like it looks on the outside.
Here is a heart from an animal. It is smaller than a human heart.
Sorting out the questions into body systems.
Using a stethoscope to listen for our heart beats. This was a maths inquiry.